With our adrenaline levels still pumping through our bodies we decide to head towards the tree towers as there should be enough light to visit 2 of them. The background to the tree towers goes as follows. Forest fires are obviously a huge concern and traditionally they used to build wooden towers to provide viewing stations. Here in the Karri forest it proved rather challenging building a tower taller than the tree tops. So, during the 1930's and 1940's, a series of fire towers on Karri trees were constructed to provide a way of spotting fires. These days they have spotter planes for that same purpose, however we believe they still use the towers as back up if the planes are unable to fly. These towers are open to the public and if you are brave enough to climb you are rewarded with the most incredible birds eye view. Hats off to the WA government for not letting the usual Occupational Health and Safety restrictions preventing this from happening. The way up the tree is by climbing 2 foot long metal rods that have been driven into the tree at right angles in an ascending spiral. They have the barest amount of chicken wire on the outside and one would not like to test its ability to protect you if you slipped.
Firstly we take the tourist drive through the Warren National Park, one of several national parks within Pemberton. We are certainly getting our moneys worth out of our 12 months W.A. national parks pass. We take the drive along the Heartbreak Trail.
The Bicentennial Tree. The first of the tree towers we visit. This is not one of the original fire observation towers. It was constructed in 1988 as part of the celebrations commemorating 200 years of European settlement in Australia. The platform at the top of this tree sits at 75 metres above the ground. It also has a platform which is 25 metres off the ground. From bottom rung to top there are 130 rods!! The information board also tells us that in high winds, the top tower can sway up to 1.5 metres either way! Up for a climb anyone?
Yes! Linda climbs up to the first tower, but unfortunately for her, the girl above puts her off from continuing as she was freaking out.
The Gloucester Tree, pronounced Gloster, as Linda is forever being corrected. This tree is one of the original fire observation towers. It was named after the Governor General, His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, who was present during the towers original construction.
The Gloucester Tree is the impressive tree in the middle. This one is approx 7.3 metres wide. It is the highest working fire lookout tree in the world. It has 153 rungs that take you up to the platform that sits about 60 metres above the ground.
We sit here patiently waiting for those already on the tree to descend. There is only allowed to be 6 people climbing the tree at once. This is one rule we do not argue about. Imagine trying to pass somebody on those rungs??
I am king of the world!! Us adults had earlier made an unanimous decision that the kids would not climb the tree in its entirety, but could climb to around 10 metres. What a buzz they got!
She sure does. Hard to see in the picture, but if you look carefully at the very top you can see an arm. Her only regret was that she did not take a camera with her to show you the incredible views that she was treated to.
Perhaps just a little pleased with herself. We wonder how sore her legs are going to be after todays effort!
And to complete an awesome day we treat ourselves to a meal at the Pemberton Hotel. We think we can already see Linda walking gingerly up the front steps!
We think we will all sleep incredibly well tonight. Benj summed it all up when on the way to bed he said "Thanks for the best day ever!"
Well Done Linda!!!!