Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The 12 days of Papa ( part 6 )

We arrive into Tom Price, about 1600 klms from Perth on the edge of the Hammersley Ranges. It is the highest town above sea level in WA (747 metres). As a result it has been dubbed the 'Top Town of WA!' In 1952, Lang Hancock began surveying the Hammersley Ranges and discovered iron ore deposits. During the 1960's, an American, Thomas Moore Price, came to the area to assess the quality of the iron ore that had recently been discovered. He assisted Hancock in lobbying the government to allow the mines and export of iron ore to go ahead. In Sept 1962 he returned to America. He passed away from a heart attack 2 hours after finding out that the iron ore was of an extremely good quality. The town was officially established in 1962, and in recognition of his efforts, the mountain and the town of Tom Price were named after him.

 The town was originally privately owned by the Hancock group, but was eventually sold to the Shire of Ashburton for $1. 

Dawn at our caravan park at Tom Price. A fascinating town which was purpose built around the iron ore mine. When first established in 1962, it was a closed town - for those working in the mine only. In its early days it was known as a cowboy town and was 99% male. Over the years this changed to it becoming a place for young families. It now boasts 3 primary schools, each with 300 children, a high school and a TAFE. We are guessing there is not much to watch on TV! The male to female ratio of workers has also changed. It is now 60% male to 40%female. They said there is a big push for women truck drivers, as women apparently look after their rigs better!!

Five years ago Tom Price was opened to the public and is now a great tourist spot. Whether to just drive through as you head out of, or into, Karijini National Park, or as a way to get up close and personal with a working mine.

The size of all the machinary at the Rio Tinto mine was mind boggling. Hard to describe, but look at the contrast when compared with a regular car. We must add that the white Toyota Prado, or Hilux, with a yellow and black stripe sporting an orange flag on their large UHF antennae have become a familiar sight for us on the roads ever since reaching the Pilbara Region.

Our bus driver had to radio for permission to travel on several of the roads within the mine. The traffic controller he was talking to was actually situated in Perth airport!! In fact the future of mining is all going to be based around the diggers, graders and trucks operating by remote control. Some of the machinery at this site is already being controlled remotely from hundreds of kilometres away. So, kids, keep practicing your playstation and a mining job could be yours!! 

The safety equipment required to be worn at all times when not on the bus. It is a sackable offence for a worker to be caught outside without it. Quite the fashion statement don't you think!!!

The Tom Price open pit is 5.5 kms long and 1.5 kms wide. It is aprox. 500 metres deep. They have extracted aprox. 1 billion tonnes of iron ore and waste rock from it to date!! This pit is Mount Tom Price.  It was one of the tallest mountains in WA. Not any more. When they first began mining , they had thought all mining would be completed within 50 years. With advancements in surveying technology using satelites, they now estimate they have another 150 years worth of mining. When the mining is finished they will be rebuilding Mt Tom Price with all the waste rock. Too bizarre.

You begin to feel you have entered a different dimension. Have we shrunk???

The local repair garage for the tonka trucks. This pic taken from the safety of our tour bus. All seems pretty ordinary until you pick out the person standing in front of the 3rd garage opening.

They call this the Pilbara fog.

After the tour, and with settled weather reports around Karijini, we make the return trip to the National Park, but this time head for Weano Gorge. Actually, it is raining and looking rather ominous in Tom Price, but we decide to brave it...we can always turn back! We travel on, and the rain disappears, the sky clears and we have a beautiful day ahead of us.

We had been pre-warned about road conditions from the Karijini Visitors Centre, as well as many travellers we had met on our travels, but it actually turned out to be not as bad as we feared.

So here Rob goes again. This little rapid tyre deflator has proven to be have been a worthy purchase.

E.C.S.  The corrugated road ahead and the return of the red dirt. Linda finally learns that the reason the dirt is red is because of its high iron ore content. (quick as lightning!!)

The corrugations help to bounce every one off to sleep. Except the driver of course!! And the photographer (for a little while anyway!).

First stop at the Oxer Lookout. This looks out over where five gorges meet and is incredibly spectacular.

Although we do not do all the walks available, due to the difficulty of some trails and the water crossings involved, we do make it down one of them. A fuller exploration to be done another time, hopefully. 

To continue along this trail takes you through the water of this gorge and Benji's foot, although feeling much better, still needs to be kept dry so we amuse ourselves with skipping stones and exploring the surrounding area.

E.C.S. as we return home to Tom Price.

What goes down must go back up! Another well used investment.
Time for a snooze while dad does the work.

Got to love the power of the sun. No, not mimi spirits, but an unusual family portrait!

Quite proud of himself, our Robbie. A much better face than the camel face!!!! Note the fly about to crawl up his nose!

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