Like a lot of the national parks we have been lucky to visit, Karijini holds great significance to the traditional owners, the Banyima, Yinhawangka and Kurrama Aboriginal people. Evidence of their occupation dates back 30,000 years. We can all learn much from the Aboriginal land management practices. Gorges here we come.........
We have seen a lot of gorges since leaving Melbourne...but wonders will never cease to amaze. So far we have entered gorges from the ground up. We have floated through many waterways, walked through many more dry waterbeds and looked up in amazement at the sheer height of the walls before then walking up....but this is the first time we have started at the top. This is the lookout over Dales Gorge which encompasses Circular Pool, Fortescue Falls and Fern Pool. We are walking distance from where we have set up camp.
Here we go.....down to Circular Pool. Benj is now allowed to walk on his foot......a bit hesitant at first, but it does not take long for his confidence to return and he jumps from rock to rock like a mountain goat! Carefully of course!!
After a fairly steep rocky decline we then get to wander across the bottom of the gorge. Amazing to imagine what this place looks like when the rains set in. As is common place everywhere, there are lots of warning signs....careful of cliff face, careful of loose rocks and here we learn about a new risk. Flash floods. Not something we have to worry about due to the time of the year, however it certainly plays on the mind. The advice to heed is do not enter the gorges if there is rain in the area or if already in the gorge leave as quickly as you can. Something to take seriously as there was a recent death of a rescuer when trying to help an injured tourist when a flash flood came through and swept him away.
At the base of Circular Pool. You might be thinking that Benj was pondering how good it would have been to go for a swim...actually he was introducing himself to the warlu/serpent and thanking it for letting him share the water. This was the process we learnt about respecting the spiritual significance of these waters.
Views as we descend. Not a bad view for a morning walk. It is about now that we start hearing some rumblings in the distance and notice some dark cloud areas above us. Timna, not one to panic, is obsessed with listening out for the sound of the desert tree frog. The kids learnt from the visitors centre, that the desert tree frog will let out a screech as a warning of an impending flash flood.
Fern Pool is found on a beautiful detour from Fortescue Falls. You feel so isolated. You feel like you are in the middle of a rainforest. The water is crystal clear you and you can see all the way to the bottom, so inviting. Timna, still stressing about the potential weather changes, has decided against swimming and is keeping a keen ear out for the desert tree frog screech!
Timna swears she can hear the frog...... Linda can't but can certainly feel the rain that is starting to fall. Time to head back to the van.
great reading - almost feel like I am there with you - not sure I could manage all your descending and ascending though! Good on you kids...and Papa!